Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Thiruppavai - Pasuram30

vanga(k) kadal kadaindha maadhavanai kEsavanai
thingaL thirumugaththu sEy izhaiyaar senRu iRainchi
anga(p) paRai konda aatrai aNi pudhuvai(p)
painkamala(th) thaN theriyal battar piraan kOdhai
sanga(th) thamizh maalai muppadhum thappaamE
sonnaingu ipparisuraippaar eerirandu maal varai thOL
sengaN thirumugaththu(ch) chelva(th) thirumaalaal
engum thiruvaruL petru inbuRuvar embaavaay.

வங்கக் கடல்கடைந்த மாதவனைக் கேசவனைத்
திங்கள் திருமுகத்துச் சேயிழையார் சென்றிறைஞ்சி
அங்கப் பறைகொண்ட ஆற்றை, அணி புதுவைப்
பைங்கமலத் தண்தெரியல் பட்டர்பிரான் கோதை சொன்ன
சங்கத் தமிழ்மாலை முப்பதும் தப்பாமே
இங்கிப் பரிசுரைப்பார், ஈரிரண்டு மால்வரைத்தோள்
செங்கண் திருமுகத்துச் செல்வத் திருமாலால்
எங்கும் திருவருள்பெற் றின்புறுவ ரெம்பாவாய்.


Approaching Him --the Lord Kesavan (of lovely curly locks of hairs), the Lord Maadhavan (the husband of Goddess Sri) who (enabled the gods) to churn the seas abounding in ships, and praying to Him, the Young charming damsels (of Gokulam) with exquisite faces of Moon-like beauty and good ornaments, obtained the unparalleled drum. Describing their observances, prayer and getting the drum (from the Lord), GodhA, the fosterdaughter of Bhattar PirAn adorned with the cool garlands of fresh lotuses, and a resident of beautiful SrivilliputthUr has composed this ThiruppAvai. Whosoever recites this hymn -- referring to the award of paRai, faithfully will get the divine bliss here and hereafter, through the benign grace of the Lord ThirumAl (Sriya: Pathi) endowed with a supreme, divine form, namely four strong mountain-like shoulders, beautiful face with eyes of reddish hue along with other prosperous glory. The thirtieth paasuram is known as Thiru nAma Paattu or Phala Sruthi Paasuram. In this posting, we will enjoy together the padha-Vaakya arthams.

Just like the gopikas (sEy izhaiyaar), with moon (thingaL) like beauty (thirumugaththu), obtained salvation, by surrendering (senRu iRainchi) to the Lord, who churned (kadaindha) the ocean (vangak kadal) of milk, Sri Andal (kodhai) wearing fresh (pai) lotus flowers (kamalam), who was born in beautiful (aNi) Sri Villiputhoor (pudhuvai), as the daughter of the Brahmin priest (bhattar piraan) Peria aazhwaar, presents this. Those who recite (ingu ipparisuraippar) these thirty (muppadhum) literary (sangath) Tamil (thamizh) garlands (maalai), daily without fail (thappaamE), will obtain the grace (thiruvaruL) and derive pleasures (inbuRuvar) from God (thirumaal), who has beautiful (sen) eyes (kaN) and shoulders (thOL) which can stretch (varai) between two pairs (eerirandu) of mountains (maal), who is accompanied by the beautiful (thirumugaththu) Laxmi (chelva).

This garland of thirty verses in classical chaste Tamil, celebrating the devotional fervour of the beautiful cowherd women who worshipped Naaraayana, variously incarnating Himself as Maadhava (the Lord who churned the ocean of milk) and Kesava (the Lord who slayed the demon Kesi), has been strung together by Kothai, the daughter of Periaazhwaar, who belongs to the lovely place called Srivillipuththur.

All those who recite these hymns with passion and sincerity are bound to receive the favour of Naaraayana, the Lord with four mighty arms and resplendent face with crimson eyes. Theirs will be joy eternal and bliss manifold.

More Insight

Those who study this Tiruppavai are forever acceptable to Sri Mahalakshmi and Sriman Narayana - this is the gist of this stanza. In days of yore, in Dwaapara Yuga, Gopis actually performed this Nonbu. Later on Sri Andal imitated them in her heart. Both Gopis and Andal got the service of the Lord. So also even without performing the rite or imitating it, just by chanting this Divya Prabandha, people will get the same fruit (Kainkarya).Sri PARASARA BHATTAR said, "Just as the mother cow gives milk even in the presence of its dead and stuffed calf (TOL KANRUKKUM IRANGUMAPOLE) so also the Lord will bless us even though we are absolutely devoid of the supreme devotion of Andal, merely because we are repeating her words."

Gopis had surrendered themselves to Sri Krishna; but their Saranaagati would gain fruit only through the PURUSHAKAARA (recommendation) of Sri Mahalakshmi. The Lord had churned the Milky Ocean to get her; and so the Gopis begin by chanting that Herculean effort of the Lord. VANGAKKADAL was churned only to get Sri Devi who had remained hidden there. Thus He became MAA (Lakshmi's)-DHAVA(husband).In stanza 2 Andal said ADI PAADI- singing the glory of His Feet; here in 30 she says KESAVANAI -of Him who has fascinating locks of hair. Thus she enjoys the Lord's Form from His Holy Feet to His Head (Aa paada choodam).

The meaning of the POORVA KHANDA (first half) of the DVAYA Mantra is implied in this first line.

The word "SRIMAT" (He who is ever in the company of SRI) in DVAYA mantra is represented here by MAADAHAVANAI.


These are brought out in the present paasuram as under:

1. KADAL KADAINDA -Lord Vishnu, turning a blind eye (Kaanaa-kkannittu) towards the blemishes of all the gods and demons, churned the ocean to get them nectar; this is VAATSALYA.

2. He established His Supremacy by managing the entire operation single-handedly; this is SWAAMITVA.

3. He even worked in cooperation with worst criminals - the lowliest of the lowly; this is SAUSHILYA.

4. He took the guise of a charming cherub and personally distributed the nectar; this is SAULABHYA.

5. He had the requisite knowledge, the know-how to churn the ocean; this is GNAANA.

6. And He had the required strength to complete the task up to the end; this is SHAKTI.

KESAVANAI- By referring to the locks of hair, His Form is implied; that is the meaning of "CHARANAU" in the DVAYA.

Those who recite the Tiruppavai paasurams are sure to be blessed by Him. They will get everything here and finally attain Salvation. Sri PARASARA BHATTAR used to say, "every one should every morning recite all the 30 verses; or at least the 29th one-SITTAM SIRUKALE; if he finds even that difficult, he should at least bring to his mind how much exquisite joy WE added to our days and nights through chanting, understanding, discussing and in fact living with these Divine Verses (Naam irunda iruppai ninaippadu)."

Those who thus take refuge unto Him will serve Him for ever and ever; no rebirth for them. Let us also chant these sweet songs and make our mother SRI GODA DEVI's appearance in this world useful and purposeful.


Vangak Kadal Kadaintha Maadhavanaik Kesavanai EmperumAn churned the Milky Ocean to gain nectar for the dEvaas and PeNNamuthu (MahA lakshmi)for Himself. KrishNan churned the ocean of curd in Gokulam. The Lord, who used the excuse of churning the milky ocean to gain MahA Lakshmi also used the ThiruppAvai nOnbhu as the VyAjam for gaining the Pancha Laksha Kudis (gOpis) of Gokulam.

ANDAL addresses the Vangak Kadal kadainthavan as “Maadhavan” and “Kesavan”. She addressed the Lord as “Maadhavan” following the Upadesam of Her AchAryan, PeriyAzhwAr: “Maarvam yenpathOr kOil amaitthu MAADHAVAN yenpathOr Dhaivatthai naatti”. Kesavan is the adhishta Devathai for Maarghazhi month. The reference to the act of churning the Milky ocean (Vangak kadal Kadaintha) by the Lord points out His Bhaktha Vaathsalyam and Omnipotence.

“angu appaRai koNDavARRai”: “angu” (there) refers to the incident of the Gopis winning paRai (there) at AaypAdi, (there)at Nandha Gruham and(there) at the throne room in presence of NeeLA PirAtti. “appaRai” is to be split in to antha-Parai, appERpatta, VisEsha paRai.

“paimkamalat taNN teRiyal Bhattar PirAn Godhai Sonna”: Godhai identifies Herself as Bhattar PirAn's (PeriyAzhwAr's) Godhai. He was Her foster father and also Her AchAryan.

திருவாடிப் பூரத்து செகத்துதித்தாள் வாழியே

திருப்பாவை முப்பதும் செப்பினாள் வாழியே
பெரியாழ்வார் பெற்றெடுத்த பெண் பிள்ளை வாழியே
பெரும்புதூர் மாமுனிக்குப் பின்னானாள் வாழியே
ஒரு நூட்ரு நாற்பத்து மூன்றுரைத்தாள் வாழியே
உயர் அரங்கற்கே கண்ணியுகந்தருளிதாள் வாழியே
மருவாரும் திருமல்லி வள நாடி வாழியே
வண்புதுவை நகர்க் கோதை மலர்ப் பாதங்கள் வாழியே

ஆண்டாள் திருவடிகளே சரணம்...!!!

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